By Traders, For Traders

MT Planetary Services (MTPLA)

New Babbage, microTech, Stanton

Commodities prices
Commodity Buy Sell
Name Price Prev Var Min Max Best SCU Price Prev Ave Min Max Best SCU
Scrap 136 136 - 136 136 136
Waste 3 3 - 3 3 1
Amioshi Plague 1,319 1,319 - 1,319 1,319 1,319
Aphorite 152,500 152,500 - 152,500 152,500 152,500
Audio Visual Equipment 24,937 24,937 - 24,937 24,937 25,125
Construction Materials 6,090 6,090 - 6,090 6,090 12,656
Compboard 2,250 2,250 - 2,250 2,250
Degnous Root 1,319 1,319 - 1,319 1,320 1,319 696
Distilled Spirits 551 556 0.9% 522 556 566
Dolivine 130,000 130,000 - 130,000 130,001 130,000
Golden Medmon 1,979 1,979 - 1,978 1,979 1,979
Hadanite 275,000 275,000 - 275,000 275,000 275,000
Helium 247 247 - 247 247 247
Heart of the Woods 2,300 2,300 - 2,299 2,300 2,300
Hydrogen 132 132 - 130 132 158
Janalite 17,676,000 17,676,000 - 17,675,900 17,676,000 17,676,000
Luminalia Gift 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000
Medical Supplies 1,925 1,925 - 1,924 1,925 1,936 696
Party Favors 1,370 1,397 2.0% 1,396 1,397 1,370
Pitambu 1,650 1,650 - 1,649 1,650 1,650
Processed Food 172 172 - 171 172 203
Prota 1,380 1,380 - 1,379 1,380 1,380
Ranta Dung 4,400 4,400 - 4,400 4,400 4,400
Revenant Pod 1,687 1,687 - 1,687 1,687 1,687
Stims 379 364 4.1% 364 379 385
Sunset Berries 1,494 1,494 - 1,493 1,494 1,494
Souvenirs 1,075 1,075 - 1,075 1,075 1,075
Year of the Dog Envelope 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 50,001 50,000
Xerwon Updated Apr 19, 2954 by Xerwon and also Nyrulo, Takashi Toka, wanlorn, Delnorin, AltoStratus, Henrikas, EyeofSauron, silicoids, Raf-Chaos, Bolloxim, MDCommander, Capt_Erin_Wolf, JamWheel, Wellmeg7BR
Is this useful? Buy me a space coffee by sending any aUEC amount to: Xerwon
Zatecc Discovered Mar 04, 2951 by Zatecc Prospekt

All prices are estimated. This tool is a reference and it still under development with the game. It may not reflect precisely the situation in game.

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